Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Haxby Town Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 129, you are viewing 10 - 19


address The Lodge Moor Lane Haxby York YO32 2QN
description Conditions 7, 8 and 9 of 24/00139/FUL
area York
start date 19/08/2024
decision None


address 6 The Avenue York YO32 2PD
description Single storey side and rear extensions, erection of detached garage and landscaping alterations to create a private garden space with raised patio
area York
start date 05/08/2024
decision None


address 7 Ash Lane Haxby York YO32 3RW
description Single storey rear extension
area York
start date 02/08/2024
decision None


address 43 Calf Close Haxby York YO32 3NR
description Erection of single storey extension extending 6.00 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.91 metres and a total height of 2.91 metres
area York
start date 29/07/2024
decision LHE Approved - 27/08/2024


address 31 Wheatfield Lane Haxby York YO32 2YX
description Erection of single storey extension extending 8.00 metres beyond the rear wall of the original house, with a height to the eaves of 2.57 metres and a total height of 3.70 metres
area York
start date 23/07/2024
decision LHE Approved - 28/08/2024


address The Old Rectory Moor Lane Haxby York YO32 2NQ
description Installation of a new overhead line along the path of the existing network
area York
start date 19/07/2024
decision None


address 26 Usher Lane Haxby York YO32 3JZ
description Single storey side and rear extension, hip to gable roof extension and dormer to rear roofslope
area York
start date 19/07/2024
decision None


address 52 Station Road Haxby York YO32 3LX
description Sub-divison of existing bungalow to create 2no. dwellings
area York
start date 19/07/2024
decision Approve - 13/09/2024


address STREET RECORD The Village Haxby York
description Crown lifting of 3no. Silver Birch - trees in a conservation area
area York
start date 10/07/2024
decision No Objections from LPA - 16/08/2024


address 7 Netherwindings Haxby York YO32 3FB
description Single storey side and rear extension
area York
start date 17/06/2024
decision Householder Approval - 27/08/2024