Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Haxby Town Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 125, you are viewing 30 - 39


address 15 Wandhill Haxby York YO32 2FW
description Two storey rear extension
area York
start date 03/04/2024
decision Householder Approval - 06/06/2024


address Little Lodge Crossmoor Lane Haxby York YO32 2QR
description Single storey rear extension to annex accommodation
area York
start date 22/03/2024
decision Application Withdrawn - 13/05/2024


address 8 Swarthdale Haxby York YO32 3NZ
description Single story rear extension and first floor side extension
area York
start date 18/03/2024
decision Householder Approval - 10/09/2024


address 97 Oaken Grove Haxby York YO32 3QX
description Single storey rear extension, first floor side extension, dormer to side and elevational alterations to include revised fenestration, render and cladding (resubmission)
area York
start date 06/03/2024
decision None


address Land Adjacent Rail Line At Towthorpe Road York
description Construction of two-platform railway station including footbridge, lift towers, staircases, car park, bus turning circle, cycle parking, new foot/cycle path to west of railway and Towthorpe Road and associated works.
area York
start date 23/02/2024
decision None


address 10 Ash Lane Haxby York YO32 3RW
description Two storey extension and single storey front extension following demolition of garage
area York
start date 22/02/2024
decision Householder Approval - 19/04/2024


address 50 Wheatfield Lane Haxby York YO32 2YX
description Porch extension to front elevation
area York
start date 21/02/2024
decision Householder Approval - 23/04/2024


address 57 Old Orchard Haxby York YO32 3DS
description Single storey rear extensions and partial conversion of garage to living accommodation
area York
start date 19/02/2024
decision Householder Approval - 01/05/2024


address Millfield House Linley Avenue Haxby York YO32 3NF
description Conditions 3, 6 and 7 of 23/00238/FUL
area York
start date 09/02/2024
decision Approve Details - 24/06/2024


address 37 Sandringham Close Haxby York YO32 3GL
description Single storey rear extension, and garage roof pitch changed to flat roof
area York
start date 06/02/2024
decision Householder Approval - 03/04/2024