Planning Applications

This page shows Planning applications, ordered by the submission date, for the previous 24 months within Haxby Town Council's remit. Click an application to be taken to the planning portal and see complete information.

There are a total of 125, you are viewing 50 - 59


address 7 Elder Grove Haxby York YO32 3GE
description Single storey side and rear extensions
area York
start date 23/11/2023
decision Householder Approval - 05/02/2024


address Lark Rise 15 North Lane Haxby York YO32 3JR
description First floor side and single storey rear extensions following demolition of conservatory
area York
start date 21/11/2023
decision Householder Approval - 10/01/2024


address Os Field 8200 Towthorpe Road York
description Erection of an agricultural building
area York
start date 14/11/2023
decision Refuse - 20/12/2023


address Millfield House Linley Avenue Haxby York YO32 3NF
description Condition 10 of 23/00238/FUL
area York
start date 13/11/2023
decision Approve Details - 18/06/2024


address 50 The Village Haxby York YO32 2HX
description Single storey rear extension
area York
start date 09/11/2023
decision Householder Approval - 11/01/2024


address Telecommunications Mast Haxby Sewage Works Landing Lane Haxby York
description Regulation 5 notice of installation of 1no. GPS node at 3.3m on existing gantry pole at ground level and ancillary equipment
area York
start date 26/10/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 20/12/2023


address 3 Little Lane Haxby York YO32 3QU
description Single storey side extension to north and south side elevations following demolition of existing attached garage, and erection of fence to southern boundary
area York
start date 09/10/2023
decision Householder Approval - 22/03/2024


address 44 The Village Haxby York YO32 3HX
description Fell 1 no. Birch - tree in a conservation area.
area York
start date 07/09/2023
decision No Objections from LPA - 26/10/2023


address 26 The Avenue Haxby York YO32 3EQ
description First floor rear extension
area York
start date 06/09/2023
decision Householder Approval - 06/11/2023


address 35 South Lane Haxby York YO32 3JB
description Single storey rear extension, garage to rear and dormer to rear
area York
start date 05/09/2023
decision Householder Approval - 08/11/2023