9 Community Assets Committee minutes March 2022


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Minutes of the meeting of the Community Assets Committee held on Monday the 21st of March 2022 at Oaken Grove Community Centre at 7.45pm.

PRESENT -         Cllr M Guilford        Cllr N Wyatt
                            Cllr G Cockburn      Cllr E Shaw
                            Mrs L Winch (Town Clerk) 

1.    Approve reasons for absence
        Proposed by Cllr M Guilford, seconded by Cllr N Wyatt and resolved unanimously to approve Cllr E Pearson’s reason for absence. 
2.    Disclosures of interest 
3.    Minutes of the previous meeting
        Proposed by Cllr G Cockburn, seconded by Cllr M Guilford and resolved unanimously to approve the minutes of the previous committee meeting held on the 21st of February         2022. 
        Ongoing Business and Progress
4.    Working Group update
        Deferred to the next meeting 
5.    To review any outstanding actions from the council year 2021 – 2022
        Action – The Clerk to request that an approved contractor is approved to remove the benches on York Road. 
        Standing orders were suspended as a member of the public was asked to speak. 
6.    Snicket lighting
        A request was made by a member of the public to light the snicket in between Greenshaw Drive to Headland Close.

        Proposed by Cllr M Guilford and seconded Cllr E Shaw and resolved unanimously to check the location of the snicket on the City of York Council’s definitive list and see if the         council can assist. A consultation should also be taken with householders who live adjacent to the snicket to seek their views on lighting. 
    Proposals for discussion and resolution  
7.    Review of a resolution made by the committee
        The Clerk has received written correspondence from five councillors wishing to review the following previously made resolution as per Standing Order 7a, 

        Resolved to remove notice boards on York Road, Landing Lane, Wheatfield Lane, and Ethel Ward playing field. 

        Proposed Cllr G Cockburn, seconded by Cllr L Shaw and resolved to keep all of the councils existing notice boards and to update and repair the boards in order of disrepair. 
8.    Grit Bin Windmill Way
        Proposed by Cllr M Guilford and seconded by Cllr G Cockburn and resolved unanimously that the Clerk contacts the City of York Council and confirms ownership of the bin. 
9.    Removal of old Christmas Tree lights from The Village 
       Proposed by Cllr M Guilford, seconded by Cllr N Wyatt and resolved with 1 abstention to part fund the removal of the old Christmas tree lights at a cost of £840. 
10.   Promotional Opportunities
        Notice boards and snicket lighting consultation. 
11.   To notify the Clerk of any item for future agendas
        Deferred items. 
12.   Next Meeting date  
        The next meeting of the committee will take place on Tuesday the 19th of April 2022 at 7.45pm at a venue to be confirmed.

Meeting closed at 8.45pm             ………………………………………………

(These minutes are displayed as ‘unsigned’ and are subject to correction at the next council meeting.) 

Created: 12/04/2022 / Last Modified: 12/04/2022 by Louanna Winch