Minutes - 6th Febrary 2023


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Council Office, The Memorial Hall, The Village, Haxby, York, YO32 3HT.

Tel: 01904 750378 Email: cllr.rpearson@haxbytowncouncil.gov.uk

Minutes of a meeting of the Ethel Ward Playing Sub-Committee

held on Monday 6th February 2023 at 8.00 p.m.

in Haxby Town Council Office, the Memorial Hall.

Present: Cllr. E. Pearson – Chairman

                    Cllr. G. Cockburn

               Cllr. R. Pearson

               Cllr. J. Secker

               Liz Hanley – Netball Club

               David Blakemore – Haxby Town Juniors FC

               Paul Butler – Paul Butler Architects

               Mark Preston – Haxby Town Seniors FC

    /2022 Apologies for absence

RESOLVED to receive apologies from:

  • Cllr. R. Morris – personal reasons

   /2022 Chairman’s Welcome

The Chairman welcomed Councillors and representatives to the meeting.

    /2022 Declarations of Interest

RESOLVED to note that there were no declarations of interest under consideration on this agenda in accordance with The Local Government Act 2000 Part III and The Relevant Authorities (Disclosable Pecuniary Interests) Regulations 2012.

   /2022 Public Question Time and Participation

There were no members of the public present at the meeting.

   /2022 Minutes

RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Ethel Ward Playing Field Sub Committee held on Monday 9th January 2023 in Haxby Town Council Office, Haxby Memorial Hall.

Cllr. R. Pearson gave the following update from the minutes:

  • The Terms of Reference for the Committee needs to go to the Budget and Oversight Committee
  • The heating and electrical testing for the pavilions would be taking place on the 7th February 2023
  • The PAT Testing would be taking place on the 22nd February 2023
  • There was a first aid box in the office ready to be taken down to the pavilion
  • Safety elements of the pavilion were being investigated and updated
  • Conversations about white lining, sports turf services and returfing at the end of the football season

    /2022 Feedback on site visit with Pavescape

Members noted the report on the site visit with Pavescape from Liz Henley.

They had a £30k Ward Grant towards the work and were hopeful of getting another Ward Grant although they accepted that this might not be so large.

Stage one would be to have to be sone so the courts are available to begin training in May which included an access ramp to the car park and the installation of 3m high fencing. This would guarantee the club would stay in Haxby.

As this was higher than the existing fencing the Locum Town Clerk would find out from York City Council if they need planning permission.

Liz said it may be better to upgrade the fencing at the bottom of the court for £2,300 at this stage rather than the £26k + VAT for the fencing. The Junior Football Club would be able to assist with the additional £6k to top up the Ward Grant to meet the £26k if required. Liz said that they would be launching a platform on Fundraiser to try and raise the funds.

Tim had said that the work should ideally be done in April but could stretch to May when Pavescape would send the invoice immediately.

The Football Foundation would be applied to to upgrade the lighting at a cost of £9,650 noting that there was a six week lead time. These new lights would be cheaper to run.

To supply and lay matchplay 2 would cost £47,800 + VAT

If there were no lights the cost of the fencing would be £79,541 + VAT but the cost would increase to £84,430 + VAT with lights.

With the £20k Ward Grant, £15k crowdfunder fundraising then it was hope that Sport England would give up to £50k if the level access was done.

Consideration was turned to Haxby TC to see if they had any funding. There was some funding possibly available in this years’ budget and next years too but it would need to go to Council to be approved.

    /2022 Advice from Invited parties.

RESOLVED that Members are asked to receive advice from invited parties regarding the way forward.

Paul Butler was at the meeting in a consultant role and was not charging for being in attendance at the meeting.

He spoke about:

  • Finding the deeds and what the deeds and covenants allowed you to do with the pavilion and the sports grounds
  • Legal and planning permission requirements
  • Who owns the land – this needs to be confirmed?
  • Who would be the client for any project?
  • Needs now and in the future, wish list, extras, other facilities the club would require and what they want to achieve needs to be thought about by each club? This should be given to the Town Council at their earliest convenience
  • A fundamental brief should be put together which no doubt would be defined and redefined -  ? refurbishment, rebuild, new site
  • Look at the different activities required in the pavilion to meet the internal facilities as well as the sport’s needs – café, gym/fitness suite, hot desking zone in a professional environment, food and drink space
  • Use of roof space – what to do in terms of use – nursery, mezzanine floor
  • Future funding – FA grants cannot be obtained unless the FA is secure in the knowledge of a longevity of use
  • No clubs have an lease agreements with the Town Council – the Locum Town Clerk would investigate this – concern about the longer term use, sustainability, running costs etc
  • Fundraising always plateaus somewhere – need to think about how shortfall is funded
  • Must keep children’s play area near the building
  • Small footballs pitches could be installed on the current site – by who, what, where and why?
  • Netball Courts need resurfacing now but could be relocated
  • The Hockey Club is not interested in being part of this project
  • Keep the wall as it is quite well used
  • ? Alternative land for a building – could it be part of a S106 or CIL Funding planning gain for houses although payment is always triggered by occupancy and therefore any funds would come in dribs and drabs
  • Landing Lane Football – Football Foundation and S106
  • It was thought that 10-15% of the costs of repairing the existing netball courts on the existing site – netball court first then the pavilion
  • The masterplan is key to see where any expansion can happen
  • Not ideal surface for football

Paul continued by talking about timeframes for this work. At the next meeting the conversation should be about a brief and masterplan therefore it was important that each club looked at their needs, as outlined above. At the March meeting there would be a brainstorming session about what each clubs wants.

Paul explained about a timeframe for a project he had been working on at Wiggington – fundraising took a while, planning took several months and then grant funding was difficult to find after planning had taken so long to agree to a small project.

The football club said that they could only obtain grant funding if there was at least a five year, ideally ten year security of tenure for the club on the pitches. The clubs did not have any leases on the site and this needed to be looked into by the Town Council.

       /2022 Site Visit to the Pavilion

RESOLVED that Members agreed a date and time for a site visit to the pavilion – Saturday 25th February 2023 at 12 noon.

       /2022 Review of energy supply and outgoings for the Pavilion

RESOLVED that this item be deferred until the next meeting although it was noted that if LED lights were installed this would reduce the electricity costs

   /2022 Defibrillator checks

Dave Blakemore informed those present that people would not need training as the Emergency Services tells people how to use it. The pads need to be replaced every three years, next time on April 2023 and the battery every five years. The Council suggested that a grant be applied for the cost of the pads.

This would be further discussed at the Amenities.

The British Heart Foundation run courses on the use of defibrillators.

    /2022 To notify the Clerk of any item for future agendas

  • The Locum Clerk would contact York City Council Planning Department to see if planning permission was needed to replace a 2.4m fence with a 3m fence. The Clerk would report back at the next meeting.
  • Energy Suppliers and Outgoing Costs for the pavilions
  • Needs requirements of each club in time for the meeting so a brainstorming session could take place
  • Update on available funding and any grants from each sports club
  • Update on the deeds and what they say

    /2022 Date of the next EWPF Sub Committee Meeting

RESOLVED to agree the date of the next meeting would be held at 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 7th March 2023.

Signed ……………………………………………….  Date ………………………….


Created: 14/07/2023 / Last Modified: 14/07/2023 by WJPS Office 10